Saturday, November 23, 2013

Re-Name Movie ‘The Internship’ to 'The Children of No Tomorrow'

Great movie, The Internship.  Tells a simple  story of two almost middle aged,  hard up  super salesman who rev up a Google intern ‘team’ to win the class competition and get job offers at the mega, corporate, info-age giant…….GOOGLE, where these 2 human sales machines can re-gain their future.  Trailers and ads are all misleading on this movie and try to equate it with a tits and ass comedy or a lame version of ‘Animal House’.  (Not a bright crowd, those film execs in the marketing department.)
The real point is that these two irrepressible zanies (Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson) show these kids what it means to have some ‘heart’ and come thru when chips are down (and see the glass ‘half full’ ; find the pony in the pile of shit; understand it’s always darkest before the dawn) and a million other clichés that are really  amusing when dragged into this corporate cinema verité.   (The movie is somewhat self-serving advertising , but then again, isn’t everything these day?)
The millenniums have a lot more to learn from these guys than some tired old clichés.   They learn that ya ain’t dead ‘til your dead; no matter the setback -something  young people really don’t understand.  They also learn that there’s a lot more to your future than just this one thing in front of you.  And both these things are hard for young people to get these days. 
RE:  Ya ain’t dead ‘til your dead:   The competition in the film is about demonstrating  that your team is the ‘right’ team for that BIG team called Google  ( Corporate-wise, I mean.)  The Vaughn-Wilson team has 5 young members who can’t handle set-backs, failure, disappointment and near-misses.  The old guys have consistently loused up their lives and they're only too glad to share their wisdom on coping.  (Funny that these kids are clueless on that count - but then again, it is a lession  that life does teach as all over time.)
RE:  Your future is full of possibilities:  “Even if you don’t win this competition and don’t get the job at Google you will be OK. “   Weird that these kids even need to learn that from these two losers – but they do!  Millenniums don’t get it at all.  These kids whine, ‘we messed up this computer keystroke, our system got turned off, the result is fatal to our standing in the competition – we’ll never have another job opportunity again; not any.  Life’s over now.’  Amazing, but true to the way kids think today.  “Possibilities are real finite and if you miss once that’s the only shot you get.”

That’s why it’s an urgent film for baby boomer parents to see if they want to understand more about today’s kids than their tattoo choices.  Call it hangover from the great recession, too much computer ‘screen time’ or isolation from others due to technology – the result ain’t pretty; whatever the cause.  And that’s what’s got to be dealt with urgently; the Children of no Tomorrow need to get a grip.  Nihilism as a belief system really ‘sucks’.  You can’t even borrow money to get bailed out with that attitude.  If there’s no tomorrow, then the idea of ‘repayment’ just doesn't work.