Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Trump Silver Lining

The Trump Silver Lining

Donald Trump, asshole that he is, is kinda bringing us together as a nation.  That’s just my private belief, not based on any scientific proof (something that the Don never did believe in anyway).  The Trumpster may be in the dumpster according to approval ratings, opinion makers or all that’s holy, but by God, he is causing us to reach out to each other as never before.  We are all huddling together for comfort – kinda like our ancestors did when we had to share space with feral cavemen.   And it’s forcing us to deal with each other, even relate.

I can only use a parable to illustrate my belief.  It’s loosely based on my personal interpretation of what I heard on the radio this morning.    Wil Shorts, National Public Radio’s (NPR), exalted Puzzle Master, picks this week’s winner to be a constant on the show and ‘solve this week’s puzzle’   

 I’m biking in the rain, not really a puzzle fan, and praying for music to start on my earphones.     I’m trying to ignore this week’s puzzle as Know-it-All Will attempts to solve all the world problems with wordplay.  (Chinese Ping-pong anyone?) Usually thr NPR contestants are REI types out of the mid-west, or librarians in New York City or retired government worker in Portland, Ore.  But no, not today.  Today it’s an old white guy in Clearwater, Florida – not a place that supported Hillary. 

The contestant starts off horribly by revealing all of his personal financial, career and marital mistakes in his first reply, but things change for the better when he gets into the actual puzzle stuff.  He’s really good a solving puzzles.  Even ends his last reply with a song that helps to solve the last piece of the puzzle.

And in that on the radio moment of joy and mutual appreciation, I begin to have like a Gestalt - Wow!  That’s it.  If Wil hadn’t been cool after the old white guys first spoke (misspoke)  just BECAUSE the guy was not one of many of the ‘downtrodden’ that NPR is always broadcasting about  - you know, the victims of violence, war and pastilles, LBGTers, under counted persons of color or Reform Temple Jews - it could have gone in a wrong direction.  I could see where the guy was fixing to use a bad pronoun, call somebody sweetheart or light a cigarette.  And it could have triggered Will and you’re in the soup lickety-split.  

You could tell this contestant was no liberal.    The contestant  was not a PC kinda guy; but it all worked fine because they pulled together for the sake of the SHOW. 

And that’s what’s happening.  The expression I keep hearing is:  “If things don’t change and we don’t wake the fuck up, we’re gonna have 4 more years of Trump.”  That means bury the hatchet, forget the past, and look beyond the stupid boundaries and barriers that seem like walls right now.  Shoulder to the wheel to push this rock up the hill together to get this guy out of office the best way – vote him out.   Let’s not have mission drift – let’s get rid of Donald Trump first; then go back to quibbling over all the other stuff; AFTER we’re out of danger.

And there is the ‘silver lining’.  Even a straight, white male from the red-neck part of Florida would rather help his son pick out a dress; and even go so far as to wear a matching one himself, if that’s what it takes to pull together to get rid of Trump.   

Whatever it takes to get rid of this guy and make things right in America again.             ( They were never all that great.)   We gotta pull in the same direction now and not even contemplate the horrors that may occur if we don’t.  The stakes are too high not to.