Sunday, April 17, 2011

Never Trust Anyone Over Forty: BERNIE'S MANIFESTO


When I told my 20 something bike riding crew about stuff I grew up with - they just drop jaw and start to text.  "Never trust anyone over 30",  I asked?  ' You ever hear of that?'
"Naw" came the response.  Well dust off your copy of 'Rules for Radicals' guys, cause you need a little Saul Alinsky  right about now - with some Abbie Hoffman thrown in for good measure.
Weird,  these kids know they are being fucked by a generation that's taking it all out with 'em.  New retirement rules for those under 55, new job benefits (always lower) for those under 55 and nothing but dead-end jobs 'cause the brass is 55 plus and ain't retiring any time soon.  Forget about jobs altogether - there ain't any with careers attached.  So everyone is 'branding' themselves, doing pick-up work out of Kinko's computer and hoping that their folks can spot 'em rent this month.  Forget about having kids, buying a house or having a self-supporting life. The best you can do is cut out cable, car, your land line and dinner out at Denny's once a week.  And the future looks no better.
This blog is devoted to the coming revolt of the after-boomers; Gen X,Y,Z or the Millenniums or the name I'd like to give ya all, 'the Next Lost Generation'.  You guys really are  what Karl Marx would call the 'Proletariat' - but that's for my next edition.

1 comment:

  1. the final solution... soylent green.... ted grant
