Monday, January 14, 2019

Eskimo Brothers

Kinda shocking. 

Lance had no idea it was my ex-wife he was seeing.  We had only been friends for a couple of 3 years and just rode bikes and shared weed at liquoor store stops.  I mean, he knew I had an ex-wife; but like, he was all of maybe 40 years old and she had been my ex about that long a period of time.  So it seemed; until I relized that Lance was sleeping with her - and that he had no idea.

It happened like this; I was going by my favorite brewery in the Arts District on Alameda and just as I pulled up on my bike, Lance was sharing a glass of wine with Isabella.  Sweet, sweet Bella, Bella - my ex-wife and then some.  We hadn't spoke directly to one another for 12 years and then BAM - Bella Bella wants to be my friend on Facebook.  I chalked it off to starting a new account, but still, why now?

Lance and I traded all kinds of sex stories.   His were far more interesting; he could still have plain old vanilla sex 'cause he had that old drive for a kid.  Not me.  I had a kid, thank you and all the stuff that goes with it; including Bella, Bella.  It was swell; for a time until the kid got old enough talk back and I realized that home decorating, conspicuous consumption and first class travel matter not to me.  I just wanted to play with a six year old, bike the beach and phone in my work assignments as a feature writer for the LA Times. 

We sure did have this great kid - Dani - who liked to work just as hard as his mother and most of all - wanted to make money.  None of that was me; but I never did complain.  It simply ended, very rocky and with no need for an explaination.  Bella, Bella and I had made our contribution to mankind with Dani and it was good.  No need to make the patheons of long lived marriages.  We both had other things in mind.

So that was 14 years ago and except for an occasional pleasantry during a family encounter; there was no need to explain.  Kinda like an old Cole Porter slogan; "Never complain and never explain".  (Or was that an old Katherine Hepburn movie?)  We were adult who could live with our mistakes - at least that's what I thought.

So you can imagine my suprise at the random encounter of Bella, Bella messaging Lance groin as toasted each other and kissed.   It was a tender moment - the sort that she'd love to share; sun godess that she was.

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